Your Knowledge Base are in JSON format, and your AI will search all your Knowledge Bases as standard. If you have a small Knowledge Base it will most likely return the answers you need in it's response. However, in much larger Knowledge Bases with many repeating words, across many different services or departments, sometimes you might wish to give the AI a helping hand by prompting it which content to prioritise.
Knowledge Bases define the data sets your Chatbot can reference—ranging from FAQs to entire pages, products, files, blogs, or voice. By selecting them you tell the Chatbot which sources to pull from—and in what priority order.
View the image below showing and example Knowledge Base Priority Sequence.
In this example image below:
Can you spot the other AI Tags in the example image above?
When choosing Knowledge Bases in your Chatbot settings (see Image above), you’ll see an autocomplete field listing with all the Knowledge Bases. Selecting an item appends it to the priority list.
1. Each Knowledge Base is stored in a separate JSON file:
2. Each Knowledge Base file has a direct API endpoint:
3. Priority Seqeunce Order & AI Tags
4. Adding AI Tags to the Priority Sequence
5. Knowledge Base Types:
1. Open AI Agent Settings
2. Add Knowledge Bases in Order
3. Add AI Tags Immediately After
4. Save
1. Match Your Use Case to Knowledge Base Selection
2. Limit Over Complication
3. Use Clear AI Tags
4. Test
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