Paul Davenport

  Paul Davenport  |     01:32

While most small businesses can't afford professional User Testing, all businesses can ask their staff and colleagues to test your website before you send it live. User feedback always uncovers quirks, suggestions and opinions that you may not have considered.

   AI Website Transcript 

"And number eight is user testing. Now, not everyone will have a huge budget to go and hire a user testing team, which is quite understandable because that can get expensive. But there are simple things you can do. Obviously, you can share your website with people outside of your company that can go and test that. So even if it's friends and family or people within the industry that are going to give you good feedback, so obvious stuff. But you can also learn a lot from your testing, from your ads.

If on your landing pages, your multivariate pages, you're seeing things that are working, then you can actually take those things that are working, apply them to your other pages so you can get a lot of good information there and a lot of good information from your stats programs like Google Analytics to look at things like bounce rate, are people leaving, where are they leaving? And there's a couple of cheap tools that you can try such as Crazy Egg and Hotjar, which will give you lots of information about what's happening on your pages so that you know exactly what you need to go and change."

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