Class displays the classes that have been applied to the frame. The Class Box shows all of the Class that are being used in a Frame. As you apply settings the Classes instantly update.

  D03 E02    06:53

CSS Classes Explained with Shadow

Applying Shadow to a Frame is straightforward, though here we look how to apply Shadow to more complex Blocks with Cards. We then go on to explain CSS Classes and the philosophy of the MOBLE platform that keeps a uniform code base for developers, supported by a UI that the entire content team can use.


Often Designers will work quickly by copying all the classes from one Frame and Paste the to another. Such as if you've set up a Columns, you might with to quickly copy classes from one frame to another, and save using the tools, or introducing human error.


MOBLE has a Universal Class system making it easy for designers to make wholesale design changes in the future, or to introduce your own bepsoke design features.

A class is used in code to hook a particular style to an object. There is only ever one instance of a particular Class, therefore if the Class is updated, all objects that have been assigned with this Class will automatically be updated. MOBLE allows frontend developers to Access the HTML, CSS and JS, so it is possible to make your own classes, for your own projects, on demand.

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