Paul Davenport

  Paul Davenport  |    01:46

Now is the time to visualise how your website will look once your images are added. Here will let you flip between 50+ collections of images to inspire you how you website could look and feel.

Later today, in Episode 7 we'll show you how to choose license free stick photography, and even curate your own AI photoshoot so that you can get AI to generate new image on the fly long into the future, knowing that your images will always have a consistent look and feel, just like you hired a professional photographer.

We'll also show you how to upload your images in bulk and let our bots optimise and compress them in moments, save you hours in editing and saving your visitors precious moments in browsing.

   AI Website Transcript 

"Every theme requires some demo images to get started. Here, you can see images from Nanshe, but you can switch to any other collection like Eaton, Seker, Aswad, or Charly. I'm going to choose Charly because its black and white images offer excellent contrast. In episode seven, I'll upload my own images, which feature more colours. Our AI Website Bots will then compress and optimize them for site speed and Google, simplifying the process and saving you valuable time.

Furthermore, in episode eight, I'll demonstrate how AI can generate images for you. Even if you don't have images or don't want to worry about buying or licensing them, I'll share some helpful tips on using AI to create images that align with your brand, provided you follow my instructions correctly in episode eight."

Key Takeaways:

  1. Choose demo images for your theme; I'm selecting Charly for its black and white contrast.
  2. In episode seven, I'll upload my own images, and AI Website Bots will optimize them for speed and Google.
  3. In episode eight, I'll show you how to use AI to generate images for your website, even if you have none.

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