Paul Davenport

  Paul Davenport  |    06:44

Step 1 is simple, simply select a Theme sure in the knowing that all the Layouts, from all the Themes are waiting for you after you sign up.

Therefore, it's important not to procrastinate too much on this Step, simply can pick any Theme and move on. At the end of the clip, we quickly review of some of the more recent Themes to Help you on your way.

   AI Website Transcript 

"Okay, so step one, this is where we pick your Theme. Now, at the time of this video, there are 70 Themes. We're always adding more. And when we add more into the future, we'll let you know if you subscribe to our YouTube channel. There, each video will be quick tips on how you can apply the Layouts of that Theme to your current website. So you can drag new Layouts in. They'll pick up the styles of your website, and so you'll never have to do things like redesigning again. You can always keep your website up-to-date with the latest design styles. You're going to hit a bot update and a bot will then go and turn those Layouts into your brand, which is pretty cool stuff.

Now, after you sign up, you've still got access to all of these Themes in the Editor. And again, you could pick any of these Themes after you sign up, see all the Layouts from those Themes, drop them onto page and it'll turn to your styles too. So the key point about that is you don't have to procrastinate too much right here. It doesn't matter which one you pick.

In this onboarding, I'm going to start with one Theme and I'll flip to another just so you can see how that works. So here's a sneak peek of the Editor where you can see 5,000 Layouts that are included all for your $9 a month. Can't really say fairer than that.

Well, to get to those Themes, you just click the Layouts button and then you can search by Theme. Here, I'll select Senya and I'll select Dekker as well. And if I drop this one onto the page, the AI Website Bots will convert it into your colors and fonts. Then you can go on to customize everything, which is what you'll be doing shortly in day one, day two, and day three. Okay, so now I'll drop Dekker and you can see it's green. I'll drop it, and bang. Now it's in my site's colors and it really is that easy.

Okay, so since this is episode one, it is a bit more verbose than the other episodes, which will whip you through a lot quicker. So what I'll do just now is just take four minutes or so just to explain some of the Themes so that you can pick yours a little bit better.

We're going to start with Nanshe, okay? And that's quite a minimal Theme, but I'm going to be to turning it into this Theme called Alio. Now, I designed Alio for the purpose of the 5 Day Challenge, really to show off effects and animations, which in day three, you are going to learn how to click a few buttons and apply awesome effects and animations to your website with no code, no design required, no agency required, no developer required, anyone could do effects and animations. So I'll show you the header of Alio.

Now the header of every Theme comes with lots of features out the box. So you can animate your logos on scroll, you can do dropdowns, custom Mega Menus, Menu Sections, Action Sections, online shops, and much more. We're going to be doing that today in the header's episode where you're going to pick your header. And then the first episode of day two, we're going to do your whole site map navigation. Okay?

Let's have a look at this Theme here called Gilyan. This is a newer one. It's quite modern. Could be used for things like events. In one of the YouTube episodes that's coming up, I'm going to show you how I use Gilyan to turn it into a new redesign for Dirty Feet. So it's the same website, same content. We're just dragging this Theme, and there the client has a new website. So again, subscribe to the YouTube channel to get that one.

Look here we've got Inko. It's very minimal, could be used for art and agencies. And then we've got Soola. This one is similar to sort of Netflix or Amazon in its kind of carousel, but you don't just have to put videos in your carousel. In MOBLE, you can mix videos, images, shop products and events. So here you can see a product. This product fittingly has a background video in the product page. You're going to learn how to do that too. Or I could use it to show events in the real too, and events pages could do an RSVP or they could even sell tickets right in the page.

Also got Maya, which is minimal, but with distinct borders that separate the content. Makes for a cool sidebar for category pages or projects. We had a client recently use it to show like 60 project pages and filter those, which is pretty cool stuff.

And of course you can mix Themes together. So this thing called Enki, which I actually combined with I think called Eridu to launch an online shop during COVID. Now, that website went on to make $25,000 on its opening weekend, which is pretty cool stuff. It's on Channel 9 News, and you're going to learn the strategy I use to grow that website and get those sales on day five, and it could be fitting now to take a look at that news clip.

Hey guys, Ben from Taps 'N Tins here. As you can see, the beer is still in the warehouse, still cold, still fresh. Order today to save the beer and support your local breweries.

The closure of watering holes have forced some publicans to seek out creative alternatives with a new campaign called Taps 'N Tins being launched this weekend. The aim is to save jobs, businesses, and tens of thousands of liters of beer from going down the drain.

What we wanted to do is allow people to pick and mix everything that's on offer in the warehouse and have it freshly poured in the morning and arrive to their door in the afternoon.

Okay, so there you go from idea to $25,000 in just 10 days' time, all possible with a speed of execution like this. So with that said, let's go and get your website set up.

Now I suggest spending about five to 10 minutes max. Don't procrastinate too much for this because as you know by now, we're going to customize everything later. So want you to go and click the button at the top and let's decide if we want to add an online shop."

Key Takeaways:

  1. Choose your website Theme from the available options.
  2. Over 70 Themes are accessible, with more continuously added.
  3. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for Theme updates and quick tips.
  4. Drop Layouts and our AI will transform them into your brand.
  5. Don't spend too long on Theme selection; customisation comes later.

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